Mulamoottil Financiers Ltd.
Mulamoottil Financiers Ltd., 110 Years of Tradition and Service, Savings, Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India

Vision 2050

Mulamoottil Financiers Ltd., 110 Years of Tradition and Service, Savings, Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India

Evolve to Help Evolve

At Mulamoottil, we recognize the need for inspirational leadership that is ethical, moral, honorable, truthful, courageous and sustainable. Such leadership must provide social uplifting, equitable financial prosperity and contentment. This must reach every village, every family and every child.

The founding fathers of Mulamoottil were convinced that we have a responsibility towards the prosperity of the society we live in and everything must be done to ensure that future generations carry that vision forward while still being rooted in our karma bhoomi.

Our 5-point vision document for 2050
  • Financial Prosperity brings Contentment

    When Mahatma Gandhi said that the soul of India resides in its villages, it resonated deeply with us since that was an integral part of our founding vision. Our financial services companies (Mulamoottil Financiers Ltd. & Mulamoottil Nidhi Ltd.) can be found in the villages of rural Kerala with our presence in major towns being a rarity. We are convinced that affordable financial instruments must be made available at the last mile thus bringing to fruition the country's slogan of banking the unbanked.

    With the ubiquitous penetration of internet and mobile phones in rural areas, we are launching several online initiatives under the brand Adyzor which is positioned as a total online commercial platform that ensures the availability of several aspirational brands & services in rural and urban areas alike.

    We are committed to the growth in rural GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness).

  • Education is a Powerful Weapon for Change

    We hold a deep conviction that education changes lives. Education provides the impetus for improvement, innovation, character and leadership which together serve as a potent weapon for social uplifting.

    Mulamoottil Central School is an oasis. With 10 acres of lush greenery, farms, playgrounds, outdoor classrooms modelled on ancient gurukuls, modern tech-enabled classrooms and high calibre teachers, the school is the epitome of our vision. Mulamoottil Knowledge Campus is an idea that began with the school and can easily build on this success. Our vision is to provide education from KG to Post Graduation seamlessly with high quality and high value.

    In addition, we shall make educational social-media videos on healthcare, economics and general information that are tailored to provide authentic information that can be profitably deployed to enhance health, wealth and happiness. With a strong social media presence disseminating information we shall begin democratizing knowledge.

  • Healthcare that is revolutionary and rural

    Our forefathers provided high quality traditional eye care freely. In the present context and economy that is unsustainable, but we will provide high quality eye care at extraordinarily high value. Mulamoottil Eye Hospital has ushered in several path breaking technologies and therapies to rural populations. It is 120 km from the nearest airport but is a magnet for people who value quality healthcare.

    We have a strategic roadmap that will build on this brand value and provide allied healthcare products and services like Eyewear, Pharmacies, Diabetic care and Standalone Specialty Clinics. Mobile eye clinics and ambulances will make an impact in remote areas.

  • Environment requires a Hyperlocal Champion

    The environment is not passed on to our children; rather we have borrowed it from them. Like all borrowers, we have a responsibility to hand it to them in pristine condition. Mulamoottil has several projects in the pipeline that will address this specific area including financial products that encourage investment in sustainable products or services, focus on organic farming, and investments in clean energy.

    A mere focus on agriculture may not suffice and any such effort will require solutions that encompass the whole cycle from farm to the table. This is the future.

  • Society needs a Leadership with a True North

    It is our belief that children are our tomorrow and they must get the best education in terms of knowledge, values, life-skills and leadership so that each child can be a true champion for society ready to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing and uncertain world while holding true to a strong moral compass.

    We believe that a child can change a family, a family can change a village and a village can change a society. The country changes with children. Permanently.

Mulamootil Financiers - Vision 2050 Future
Mulamootil Group- Group of comp